
Pb Govt fully geared up to tackle any exigency in view of monsoon season: Anurag Verma

Chief Secretary chairs meeting on flood preparedness

Chandigarh, June 7: On the directions of the Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann to check preparedness with regard to the flood exigency and as part of the commitment of the Punjab Government, a meeting under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Punjab  Anurag Verma was held to review the status of flood works and preparations for the oncoming monsoon season.

The meeting was attended by all the Deputy Commissioners of the State along with the senior officers of the concerned Departments.

Government Ready to Tackle Monsoon season

    Chief Secretary Anurag Verma assured readiness for flood emergencies ahead of monsoon season. The state is actively completing numerous projects. Verma instructed Deputy Commissioners to stock earth-filled EC bags at strategic spots and oversee works in their districts. The Water Resources department, under Verma’s guidance, is executing 65 projects worth Rs 75 Cr via the State Disaster Mitigation Fund (SDMF).

Additionally, the department is undertaking 716 works amounting to around Rs 150 Cr under MGNREGA or through convergence with MGNREGA.

Department proposes to carry out 327 works

It will complete 129 works amounting to around Rs 15 Cr through Departmental machinery. Moreover, the department plans to execute 327 works, totaling around Rs 81 Cr, through State funding, prioritizing based on need. Consequently, in the fiscal year 2024-25, the Water Resources department will undertake a total of 1237 works, amounting to around Rs 321 Cr.

250,000 Bamboo Plants Planted Along Drains

Anurag Verma added that they have undertaken new initiatives by planting bamboo plants along the banks of the drains. Bamboo plants act as natural barriers, preventing damage to the banks. They have planted a total of 2,50,000 bamboo plants along the drains.

Furthermore, they have constructed approximately 432 check dams on drains/choes for flood mitigation.

Furthermore, the Chief Secretary also directed NHAI

          The Chief Secretary directed NHAI, Department of Building and Roads, and Mandi Board to remove likely obstructions to floodwaters. This ensures there will be no hindrance to the flow of water. The NHAI has ensured that workers will clean the drains before the onset of monsoon.

Meeting Attended by Senior Officials and NHAI Representatives

        Principal Secretary Finance Ajoy Kumar Sinha, Principal Secretary Water Resources Krishan Kumar, Secretary Priyank Bharti, Secretary Revenue Arshdeep Singh Thind, Secretary Finance Diprava Lakra, Secretary Rural Development and Panchayat Amit Kumar, Secretary Agriculture Ajit Joshi, NHAI officials, and Deputy Commissioners attended the meeting.

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