
Meet Hayer to Strongly Raise Voice in Parliament Against Centre for Withholding State Funds

New Delhi/Chandigarh, June 26 Alleging a political conspiracy by the BJP-led central government to harm Punjab’s financial interests, Sangrur member Parliament Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer stated he will strongly raise the issue of the withheld Rural Development Fund (RDF) and Mandi Development Fund (MDF) totaling around Rs. 7000 crore, as well as funds for Punjab under the National Health Mission, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, and other central schemes in the current Parliament session.
He told the media that he will continue to voice his opposition to the center’s actions until Punjab receives justice.
On a question about the election of Lok Sabha Speaker Meet Hayer said that it had been a democratic tradition in India that while the speaker comes from the ruling alliance, the deputy speaker of Lok Sabha always belongs to the Opposition but the BJP is breaking this democratic tradition just to satisfy its ego. To counter this anti-democratic step, the opposition parties emphasise to contest the election of Lok Sabha Speaker to save this rich democratic tradition.
The Sangrur MP said that the BJP is weakening the democratic institutes of the country and the opposition had taken the main issue of saving the Indian Constitution and democracy in recently held general elections to which the people of India had given a positive response.
“The People of Punjab have elected me for the Lok Sabha and it will be my primary duty to save the interests of State and to raise the strong voice against every step of centre that adversely affects our state of Punjab.” Vowed Meet Hayer.

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