
Angural takes “Hafta” even from a Kulfiwala

Angural takes “Hafta” even from a Kulfiwala

Jalandhar/Chandigarh, June 27 The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab launched a scathing attack on the BJP candidate Sheetal Angural for betraying the people of Jalandhar west, disrespecting their mandate and prioritising his selfish illegal activities above the welfare of the people.

The AAP Minister Aman Arora addressed a press conference in Jalandhar on Thursday where he asked five questions to Sheetal Angural and said that he owes these answers to the people of Jalandhar west. Aman Arora was accompanied by AAP’s Jalandhar Lok Sabha candidate Pawan Kumar Tinu and Lehra MLA Barinder Goyal.

AAP Leader Condemns Sheetal Angural’s Selfish By-election Imposition

The AAP leader emphasized that Sheetal Angural forced this by-election on the people of Jalandhar for his selfish motives. He stated that Angural betrayed the people, and now the electorate of Jalandhar will deliver a strong message to this turncoat. Arora pointed out that Sheetal Angural prioritised the dictatorial BJP over his constituents and their democratic mandate.

He warned that the BJP is actively undermining our constitution and democracy, with individuals like Sheetal Angural aiding their efforts. The AAP leader urged voters to reject such individuals and parties that pose a threat to our democracy. He asserted that only the Aam Aadmi Party dedicates itself to safeguarding the constitution envisioned by Baba Saheb Ambedkar.

Aman Arora Calls for Accountability from Sheetal Angural

Arora stated that despite Jalandhar West residents’ familiarity with Sheetal Angural, the Aam Aadmi Party still seeks answers from the former MLA before he seeks their votes and trust again. He pointed out that Sheetal Angural resigned around two and a half months ago, and after the general elections, he attempted to retract his resignation. However, by then, the Speaker had already accepted it.

Arora questioned why, after campaigning for the BJP for two and a half months, Sheetal Angural suddenly wanted to withdraw his resignation and return to the AAP immediately after the elections. Did he first hand witness how the people of Punjab will never accept a corrupt party like the BJP? Arora said that the BJP has two MLA and zero MPs in Punjab.

Sheetal Angural and Sushil Kumar Rinku’s Unlikely Partnership

The second question on every resident of Jalandhar West’s mind is how Sheetal Angural and Sushil Kumar Rinku, once arch-rivals, have now become allies. What are they gaining from this newfound alliance?

Aman Arora pointed out that it’s common knowledge there’s been no love lost between the two. They didn’t even spare their families in their feud, and hundreds of their supporters either injured themselves or went to jail fighting for them. Now, what will happen to those supporters?

Additionally, Aman Arora emphasized the importance of maintaining law and order in the constituency. He highlighted Sheetal Angural’s criminal past and his continued connections with gamblers, drug dealers, criminals, and illicit liquor mafias in recent years, engaging in illegal activities.

The minister firmly stated that Sheetal Angural has failed the people of Jalandhar West and neglected his responsibilities. Arora insisted that he must be held accountable for his failures.

AAP Questions Sheetal Angural’s Claims and Contradictions

The fourth question from the Aam Aadmi Party concerns which projects Sheetal Angural approached CM Bhagwant Mann for. Aman Arora affirmed the AAP government’s full commitment to Punjab’s development. He emphasized that the Chief Minister addresses every development project in each constituency without exception.

He dismissed Sheetal Angural’s claims as outright falsehoods, asserting that CM Mann never supports corruption or entertains illegal proposals. Arora challenged Angural to specify the projects he claims were neglected under the AAP government.

Arora further criticized Sheetal Angural’s contradictory statements, pointing out that Angural praised Bhagwant Mann for 40 minutes in the assembly; however, he now criticizes him. Additionally, he reiterated that Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann consistently opposes corruption. Arora expressed skepticism regarding the veracity of Angural’s statements in the assembly compared to his current stance.

Arora Criticizes BJP’s Inaction on Rs 1000 Crore Corporation Funds Scam

Aman Arora pointed out that BJP leaders have frequently brought up the Rs 1000 crore corporation funds scam for Jalandhar’s Smart City project development. Despite raising this during the Jalandhar Lok Sabha by-election, he questioned why no investigation has been pursued.

Arora accused both Congress and BJP of corruption, alleging collusion in misappropriating Jalandhar’s development funds without facing any consequences. Moreover, he criticized the BJP’s formal letters to the Centre, considering their governance there, and raised doubts about whom they are deceiving with these actions.

Arora Endorses Clean Image of AAP Candidate Mohinder Bhagat

Aman Arora endorsed AAP candidate Mohinder Bhagat, noting his spotless reputation and the significant contributions to Jalandhar’s development made by his father, Chunni Lal Bhagat.. Arora urged Jalandhar West voters to support Bhagat in the upcoming by-poll, emphasizing the importance of honest leadership.



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