Highlights Punjab’s Transparent Mining Practices, Opposes Defence Ministry’s Directive, and Advocates for Empowering States in Mining Clearances
Chandigarh, January 25:
Punjab Mining Minister Mr. Barinder Goyal participated in the 3rd National Mining Ministers’ Conference held at Konark, Odisha. The conference was attended by the Union Mining Minister, representatives from 11 states, and senior officials.
Addressing the gathering, Mr. Goyal highlighted Punjab’s unique approach to mining, stating that unlike other states where mining occurs deep underground, Punjab’s mining activities are conducted above the surface.
The Minister emphasized that Punjab is optimally utilising its natural resources and just like the state has, over the years, responsibly expanded its agricultural activities to feed the entire nation, the state is responsibly mining its natural resources to add to the economy.
The Minister underscored Punjab’s efforts to bring transparency to mining by establishing public mining sites, enabling access to affordable sand for common citizens while generating employment for local labor and youth.
During the conference, Mr. Goyal raised concerns about recent directives from the Ministry of Defence requiring prior clearance for mining activities within 20 km of the border. He termed the decision discriminatory. He said that the State of Punjab has three rivers namely Ravi, Beas and Sutlej, where mining can happen, and out of these two of the rivers are impacted by this decision, which should be immediately reviewed.
Mr. Goyal also addressed delays in obtaining environmental clearances for mining sites.
He strongly advocated the need for empowering the government with overriding powers of taking over the Environmental Clearance issued to any contractor in case he defaults or declines to carry on with any mining activity. This, he said, will eliminate unnecessary delays in obtaining fresh environmental clearances
Additionally, the minister urged the union mining minister to assist the state in expanding its mining activities into major minerals by exploiting the huge reserves of Potash detected in parts of Punjab bordering Rajasthan. This, he said, will save the nation a large amount of foreign exchange which it otherwise pays for importing potash every year in huge quantities.
Mr. Goyal reiterated Punjab’s commitment to sustainable and responsible mining practices and called for greater collaboration with the Union Government to enhance the state’s mining sector.