हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री नायब सिंह सैनी ने कहा कि आज हरियाणा देश-विदेश के निवेशकों की पहली पसंद बन गया है। गत 10 वर्षों में प्रदेश में 7 लाख 66 हजार सूक्ष्म, लघु व मध्यम उद्योग लगे हैं तथा इनमें 39 लाख लोगों को रोजगार मिला है।
Chandigarh, March 13 – Haryana Chief Minister, Nayab Singh Saini said that, to provide better living conditions for citizens, the Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP) will develop Sector-14-16, 22 in the Kot Billa Urban Complex in Panchkula and Sector-23 in Pinjore-Kalka as pilot projects in the first phase.
Congress worked to undermine the foundation of HSVP-CM
The Chief Minister was responding to questions raised by the opposition during the discussion on the Governor’s Address during the budget session of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha on Thursday.
Sh. Nayab Singh Saini sarcastically remarked that it is a good thing the opposition has now remembered the HSVP. The Congress government undermined this authority’s foundation. At that time, the situation created fear of land acquisition, which forced farmers to sell their land at ‘throwaway prices.’ The HSVP was supposed to develop this land into sectors.
He further shared that the state government has worked to bring the HSVP out of its losses. It is now acquiring land for urban development in 41 sectors.Nayab Singh Saini said that they will acquire the land through the e-Bhoomi portal or the land pooling policy.
Pilot Projects : There was no roadmap for developing colonies during the Congress rule-CM
The Chief Minister said that during Congress rule, there was no roadmap for developing colonies, and anyone could cut colonies anywhere, leading to the continuous development of illegal colonies. In contrast, the present state government has maintained full control over illegal colonies, said Sh. Nayab Singh Saini.
He said that the government has also regularized colonies developed during the previous administration. During Congress’s 10-year rule, it regularized 874 colonies and allowed thousands to expand. The present state government has also regularized those 2,147 colonies, said the Chief Minister.
Since January 2015, authorities have identified 6,904 such colonies.
Sh. Nayab Singh Saini said that the government is taking necessary action against illegal colonies on a regular basis. This includes demolishing illegal colonies and taking action against violators. Since January 2015, authorities have identified 6,904 such colonies and demolished 3,937 of them, covering 26,650 acres of land. Additionally, officials are taking action against 1,879 violators, the Chief Minister stated.
The Chief Minister informed the House that municipal election seat reservations for Scheduled Castes follow Section 11(1) of the Haryana Municipal Corporation Act, 1994, addressing the opposition’s concerns about the reduction in SC wards in urban local bodies.
The Chief Minister said the reservation is based on the ratio of the Scheduled Caste population in the respective municipal corporation, using the latest census data to calculate the total population and the Scheduled Caste population of the concerned municipal corporation.
Sh. Nayab Singh Saini said that this system is in accordance with Articles 243T and 243P(G) of the Constitution of India. The reservation of seats/wards for Scheduled Castes in all civic bodies polls in the state has been done accordingly. There has been no reduction in the reservation of SC wards, he said.