
Internal Complaints Committee Formed for Addressing Sexual Harassment in Haryana Civil Secretariat


Chandigarh, July 3 – Haryana government has constituted an Internal Complaints Committee to provide protection against Sexual harassment to women at the workplace and to hear the complaints of sexual harassment of the female employees in the Haryana Civil Secretariat.

Amneet P. Kumar appointed as the Chairperson of Complaints Committee

According to a letter from the Chief Secretary’s office, IAS officer, Smt. Amneet P. Kumar has been appointed as the Chairperson/Presiding Officer of the committee. IAS officer, Sh. J. Ganesan, Additional Advocate General, Ms. Shubhra Singh, Under Secretary HSS-I, Smt. Deepali Malik and Dr. Upneet Kaur Mangat, Chairperson of the Center for Human Rights and Duties at Panjab University, are members of this committee.The Presiding Officer and each member will serve on the committee for a maximum of three years from the date of their nomination.

Under Section 4(1) of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, the Inquiry Authority for the purpose of “Haryana Civil Services” (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 2016, is the Internal Complaints Committee, and the Committee’s report is the inquiry report. The disciplinary authority will take action on the report according to the rules.

The Internal Complaints Committee will address the victim’s complaint and ensure prompt handling according to the Act’s provisions.

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