100 दिनों में नायब फैसले, हर वर्ग को सौगात- पंचायत मंत्री कृष्ण लाल पंवार
The Chief Minister said the work on the bio fuel briquetting plant had started. The location is the Kaithal Cooperative Sugar Mill. This is a pilot project. This project produces and sells bagasse briquettes to thermal power plants and other consumers in Haryana. This has also improved the financial condition of the sugar mill considerably.
He directed the officials to set up such plants in other cooperative sugar mills of the state. He directed that they establish them on the same lines and make every possible effort to bring the cooperative sugar mills out of losses.
Chief Minister Sh. Nayab Singh Saini expressed happiness about the government’s actions benefiting cooperative sugar mills and farmers in the state. He noted the continuous improvement in the efficiency of cooperative sugar mills.