Patiala, January 26: The Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann on Sunday vowed to crush the forces inimical to the state. He pledged to foil their conspiracies for disturbing peace, communal harmony, brotherhood, and amity of Punjab. The CM Bhagwant Mann addressed the gathering after unfurling the national tricolor flag. This was during a function to commemorate the 76th Republic Day in the local Polo Ground. He said that Punjab is the land of the gurus, saints, seers, and martyrs.
It has always been a torch bearer to mankind for values of brotherhood and communal harmony. He said that maintaining the hard earned peace in the state is the first and foremost priority for his government. No one will be allowed to disturb it. Bhagwant Singh Mann asked for the people’s full support and cooperation. This will help foil any conspiracy to derail peace, progress, and prosperity of the state.