Chandigarh, January 13 – Haryana Chief Minister, Nayab Singh Saini said that the state government is fulfilling the dreams of youth. They are following the footsteps of Swami Vivekananda. The present state government has provided jobs to youth based on merit. The state’s goal is to make every youth skilled and financially prosperous by 2030. Various plans are being implemented to achieve this goal. Effective steps are being taken. Nayab Singh Saini spoke to the people. He did so during an event organized by the Swami Vivekananda Utthan Samiti. It was in village Karasan, Ambala district.
Chief Minister paid floral tributes
Earlier, the Chief Minister paid floral tributes to the statue of Swami Vivekananda. On this occasion, the chairman and office bearers of the Swami Vivekananda Utthan Samiti welcomed the Chief Minister with a bouquet and a memento.
Sh. Nayab Singh Saini extended his greetings for the festivals of Lohri and Makar Sankranti to the people of the country. He also sent his best wishes to the people of the state. Festivals define our country, each carrying its own special significance.Swami Vivekananda had worked to bring India’s culture and glory to the world, he said.
Paying tribute to Swami Vivekananda, the Chief Minister called on the youth to stay away from drugs. He said that Swami Vivekananda inspires the youth, which is why the nation celebrates his birth anniversary as National Youth Day.
Every Youth : Chief Minister Urges Youth to participate in Politics
The Chief Minister said that in the last 10 years, the present state government has provided more than 1.71 lakh government jobs to youth based on merit, without any favoritism or corruption. He said that through the Haryana Kaushal Rozgar Nigam, the government has not only provided jobs but also ensured job security
The Chief Minister also urged the youth to participate in politics. He said that Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi has called upon the youth of the country that they should come forward in active politics, because they are the future of this country.
Chief Minister stops his Convoy to listens to people’s issues
During his visit, the Chief Minister especially stopped his convoy and interacted with the villagers, listening to their issues and complaints. On a complaint regarding electricity, the Chief Minister directed the Deputy Commissioner to resolve the issue.
Deputy Commissioner, Sh. Parth Gupta and other dignitaries attended the programme.