
The Ocean’s Wisdom: A Call to Humanity

The Ocean’s Message: Lessons inHumanity and Nature

                      Naresh Sharma 

As humans, we are lifelong learners. This continuous process of learning is what makes us truly human. Whether we are learning from books or through direct experience in nature, each lesson shapes us in unique ways. When you engage deeply with nature, you begin to understand its every nuance, and this understanding transforms your relationship with the world around you. Translating this wisdom into words not only solidifies the experience but also enriches it, making the learning even more profound.

The Ocean’s Message: Lessons in Humanity and Nature

A Humbling Encounter with the Sea

During a recent study tour of the Punjab Assembly Press Gallery, I had a unique opportunity to spend three days on the edge of the sea. Sitting by the shore, I tried to grasp the essence of the vast ocean in front of me. As I observed the waves and the seemingly endless horizon, a realization dawned on me—the sea is salty for a reason. It’s not just a coincidence of nature; it is a deliberate design that cares for its marine life. If the sea weren’t salty, humans would have drained it dry by now. They would have exploited its resources without restraint, putting marine ecosystems at risk.

This realisation brought me to a broader truth about water. The ocean may not provide fresh water, but it plays an essential role in the cycle of life. The miracle of rain, which nourishes the land and provides water for humans, animals, and plants, is a direct result of the sun’s interaction with the ocean. Together, they sustain life. Yet, despite these generous acts of nature, humans continue to fight over water—hoarding it, polluting it, and mismanaging one of our planet’s most precious resources. The ocean, in its quiet wisdom, tries to teach us valuable lessons about balance and restraint, but too often, we fail to listen.

The ocean’s salinity is its way of safeguarding its creatures. Its water is not meant for human consumption or agricultural use; it exists solely for the well-being of the sea’s inhabitants. This is a profound message the ocean conveys—its water is not for us, and we must respect that boundary. It teaches us to be mindful of our actions and the balance that sustains life on Earth.

The Ocean’s Lesson: Water for Life, Not Exploitation

The ocean is a powerful teacher. One of its most important lessons is that its water belongs to the aquatic beings that live within it. By extension, this teaches us that we, as humans, must take responsibility for protecting our planet. Our freshwater supplies are dwindling, and yet we continue to waste and exploit natural resources. The ocean silently reminds us: “I will not give you my water; it is meant for my creatures alone.” This powerful lesson urges us to think more carefully about how we use water and other natural resources.

The Ocean’s Lesson: Water for Life, Not Exploitation

As we travel the world and witness its diversity, one truth becomes evident: we are recklessly misusing water. In contrast, people living on small oceanic islands often struggle to find enough drinking water, despite being surrounded by vast seas. These islands are blessed with abundant water, yet it is undrinkable, forcing the inhabitants to rely on rainwater to survive. It’s a paradox that serves as a stark reminder of how precious freshwater is.

Nature’s Refuge: The Sea’s Role in Protecting Life

The ocean is not just a vast expanse of water; it is a sanctuary for thousands of creatures. It provides them with life, nourishment, and protection. While nature has given land for humans and animals to thrive, the ocean is home to an entire world beneath its surface. It nurtures its creatures in ways we cannot fully comprehend, and in return, these creatures care for the ocean. Meanwhile, humans continue to harm the planet they claim to love, polluting the environment and fighting over water.

The ocean stands as a silent witness to this destruction, its currents carrying the weight of humanity’s disregard. It whispers to us, “My world is different. I have warm and cold currents flowing within me. My creatures live without fear; they care for me, while humans neglect their own Mother Earth.”

Humans, in their quest for power and control, are not only fighting each other for resources but also waging war against nature. Nuclear tests and pollution are poisoning the seas and endangering its inhabitants. The ocean is resilient, but even it cannot withstand unchecked human exploitation forever. It is up to us to heed its warnings.

Ocean : The Call to Protect Our Planet

As the ocean reminds us, the future of our planet is in our hands. If we continue down this path of exploitation, we risk losing the precious resources that sustain life—not just for ourselves, but for the countless species that share this Earth with us. The time has come to change our ways, to respect the boundaries that nature has set, and to recognize that we are not the only inhabitants of this planet.

The sea, with its infinite wisdom, has given us a message: tread lightly, protect the Earth, and cherish the water that sustains us. Let us take this lesson to heart and work together to ensure that future generations can live in harmony with the world around them.

In the end, it is not just about survival, but about preserving the beauty and balance of nature for all living beings. The ocean is a guardian of life, and so must we be.

Naresh Sharma 
Editor in Chief
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