
BJP’s distance from Kangana Ranaut’s statement is merely an act, BJP is an anti-farmers party: AAP senior spokesperson

BJP’s distance from Kangana Ranaut’s statement is merely an act, BJP is an anti-farmers party: AAP senior spokesperson


Kangana Ranaut and other BJP leaders often give such statements, yet the BJP keeps on rewarding them, says Neel Garg


Neel Garg claims that BJP’s reprimand of Kangana Ranaut is a strategic move ahead of upcoming assembly elections


Chandigarh, August 26


The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab described the BJP’s reprimand of Kangana Ranaut as a mere act and a strategic move ahead of the assembly elections.


In a statement issued from the party office on Monday, AAP Punjab senior spokesperson Neel Garg claimed that the reprimand is merely performative, as Ranaut’s remarks reflect the Bharatiya Janata Party’s ideology. Garg noted that this is not the first instance of a BJP leader making statements or actions detrimental to people or farmers, yet the BJP has historically rewarded such individuals, citing examples like the party’s endorsement of Ranaut and Ajay Mishra Teni.


Garg highlighted that the BJP’s attempt to distance itself from Ranaut’s controversial statement is likely motivated by the upcoming assembly elections in several states. He pointed out that while BJP leaders frequently label farmers as terrorists and separatists, the party has never taken substantial action against them. Garg suggested that the BJP’s recent statements are driven by the pressure of farmers’ discontent in Haryana, a key election state.

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