
SAD president to seek inputs from intellectuals and thinkers

Chandigarh ,June 15- Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) president Sukhbir Singh Badal  will reach out to all thinkers, scholars and intellectuals , especially those with Panthic leanings ( including critics)  in an exercise aimed at improving and updating the content and perception of the party’s vision and future goals in the light of its 104 year old heritage.
SAD president  Sukhbir Badal will personally request their inputs in collective and individual meetings in the weeks to come
Disclosing this, SAD party spokesman Maheshinder Singh Grewal said  Badal  was keen on strengthening the inalienable link between the  glorious heritage and future of Panth, Punjab and the party so that the party could play a more vigorous role as a guardian of the poor, the downtrodden and the deprived in line with the vision of the great Guru Sahiban, saints and seers.

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